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Statements FAQs

  • How do I access my statements

    Statements and transaction histories for most accounts can be found in your Online Banking at any time.


    Under the ‘Account Manager’ tab, you will find an option to view your eStatements. Here you are able to search and view all past statements for your accounts, including your yearly tax certificates. If there is a statement that you require that is missing, please request via a Secure Message or call our 24/7 Client Service Centre on 1300 160 160 (+612 9293 2121 from outside Australia).


    You can export transactions into different file types, which is handy for reporting purposes. To do this, go to ‘Account Manager’ and then ‘Transaction History’. From here, you can choose to do an Advanced Search to narrow the transaction listing. Select the date range for Transactions and then search. Once the required transactions are listed, scroll to the bottom and there will be an option ‘Export’. Clicking on this will allow you to export the data into a file type of your choosing. The available format/file types are listed and when one is selected it will show you which programs the file can be imported to.


    Depending on your preferences, statements may also be mailed to your postal address. Please advise our Client Service Centre if you need to update your postal address.

  • Where can I find information for my tax return

    For deposit products and home loans, a Tax Certificate will be released shortly after the end of the financial year. This will be made available within your Online Banking, and/or posted (depending on your preferences). If your Home Loan is held with Adelaide Bank, all the information you require will be on your June statement.


    For any of our other products, or for further information that you require, please contact our Client Service Centre on 1300 160 160 or client.service@boqspecialist.com.au.

  • Statements for loans

    Statements for variable rate lending products are posted every six months or monthly (depending on your preferences). No all loans are available in your Online Banking at this time.


    Statements for fixed rate lending products such as leases or chattel mortgages do not receive statements. As these are fixed, repayments generally remain consistent over the life of the loan. You can request an amortisation schedule for these loans.

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  1300 160 160

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  • Important Information

      The information contained in this webpage is general in nature and has been provided in good faith, without taking into account your personal circumstances. While all reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information is accurate and opinions fair and reasonable, no warranties in this regard are provided.