Best Practice magazine

Our bi-annual magazine exclusive for doctors, dentists and vets

Best Practice features factual case studies from our clients and gives you first hand examples of how our financial specialists can give you quick access to the finance you need to grow your business.


Welcome to the first fully digital edition of Best Practice

Over the last few years, we’ve asked you, our community, for feedback on what you want from us. The most consistent comments were for us to go paperless. So, now you can read Best Practice anywhere, anytime.

In this edition, you’ll find stories from practice owners, young doctors, and trailblazers across the medical, dental and veterinary fields.

View the latest edition


Download and read previous issues: 

Issue: 24 (2023)

Issue: 23 (2022)

Issue: 22 (2022)

Issue: 21 (2021)

Issue: 20 (2021)

Issue: 19 (2020)

Issue: 18 (2020)

Issue: 17 (2019)

Issue: 16 (2019)

Issue: 15 (2018)

Issue: 14 (2018)

Issue: 13 (2017)

Issue:12 (2017)

Issue: 11 (2016)

Issue: 10 (2016)

Issue: 9 (2015)

Issue: 8 (2015)

Issue: 7 (2014)

Issue: 6 (2014)

Issue: 5 (2013)

Issue: 4 (2013)

Issue:3 (2012)

Issue: 2 (2012)

Issue: 1 (2011)

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      Any information is of a general nature only. We have not taken into account your objectives, financial situation, or needs when preparing it. Before acting on this information you should consider if it is appropriate for your situation. BOQ Specialist is not offering financial, tax or legal advice. You should obtain independent financial, tax and legal advice as appropriate.

      The information contained in this webpage is general in nature and has been provided in good faith, without taking into account your personal circumstances. While all reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information is accurate and opinions fair and reasonable, no warranties in this regard are provided.