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Savings accounts and term deposit interest rates

What are the current interest rates?

If you are deciding on opening a new savings or term deposit account, you need to know the current interest rates.

Below is the complete list of the current, competitive interest rates for our AUD savings accounts, everyday banking, business banking and term deposit accounts. Foreign currency deposit rates are available upon request.


Savings accounts

*rates subject to change

Savings accounts Interest rate Details
Private Access Account 3% p.a. variable Interest paid monthly 
32 Day Notice Account 4.50% p.a. variable Interest paid monthly, access
provided after 32 days notice

Notice: Effective 05/03/2025, the Interest Rate on the 32 Day Notice Account will be changing to 4.00% p.a.

Bank accounts

*rates subject to change

Bank accounts Interest rate Details
One Account 0.55% p.a. variable Interest paid monthly
One Account – Business 0.55% p.a. variable Interest paid monthly 

Term Deposits

*rates subject to change


Term deposits Interest rate Interest paid

90 day term deposit 

4.60%  p.a. fixed Interest paid at maturity
120 day term deposit
4.65%  p.a. fixed Interest paid at maturity
180 day term deposit

4.75%  p.a. fixed

Interest paid at maturity
270 day term deposit

4.70% p.a. fixed

Interest paid at maturity
1 year term deposit

4.50% p.a. fixed

Interest paid at maturity
2 year term deposit

4.30% p.a. fixed

Interest paid annually
3 year term deposit

3.50% p.a. fixed

Interest paid annually
4 year term deposit

3.50% p.a. fixed

Interest paid annually
5 year term deposit

3.50% p.a. fixed

Interest paid annually

Want to know more?

  1300 160 160

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Government Deposit Guarantee

Bank with peace of mind. Under the Financial Claims Scheme (FCS), certain deposits are protected up to a limit of $250 000 for each account holder at any bank, building society, credit union or other authorised deposit-taking institution (ADI) .

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  • Important Information

      Any information is of a general nature only. We have not taken into account your objectives, financial situation, or needs when preparing it. Before acting on this information you should consider if it is appropriate for your situation. BOQ Specialist is not offering financial, tax or legal advice. You should obtain independent financial, tax and legal advice as appropriate.

      The issuer of these products and services is BOQ Specialist. Terms and conditions, fees and charges and lending and eligibility criteria apply. You should obtain and consider the product terms and conditions before making any decision about whether to acquire the products. We reserve the right to cease offering these products at any time without notice.

      For target market determinations please click here.